Staying Eco-Friendly On The Go
PostedAll day sports tournaments. Professional road warrior. Family day hike or trip to the beach. School activities immediately after work.
Do any of these descriptions sound like a normal part of your life?
For many in today’s society, it is commonplace to be on the go, going from place to place with very little time in between. While you are traveling from place to place, are you doing your best to keep up with a green lifestyle?
Keeping a green lifestyle can be difficult for anyone, especially those who are on the go. With a few tips, you can continue to do your part for the environment while getting everything else done. Keep reading for on the go tips.
One of the best ways to stay green while out and about is to keep reusable items with you. Here are some examples of items that you may use on a daily basis that will have a positive impact on the environment:
– Reusable water bottles
– Cloth napkins or handkerchiefs
– Reusable shopping bags
– Rechargeable batteries
– Lunch containers instead of using paper or plastic bags
– GoToobs travel containers rather than travel-sized soap and shampoo
– Reusable travel eating utensils rather than disposable silverware
– Many other eco-friendly items
There are many different products and ideas available that remain eco-friendly while catering to every lifestyle. Whether you are looking for ideas for becoming more “green” around your house, or are looking for a great way to stay eco-friendly on your vacation, there are countless products that can help you achieve your goal.
One website that has many great products that will help you enhance your “green” lifestyle is reuseit. This resource provides shoppers access to many different ideas and products to help them become more eco-friendly. Ranging from kitchen items to cleaning products, you will find many great ideas here.
Please keep in mind that you may not be able to reuse everything in your everyday life. This is where Penn Waste comes in. We accept unlimited recycling from all customers, collecting plastics (number 1 through 7), paper, cardboard and many other items. For a full list of our recycling capabilities, please check our recycling page.
Be sure to stay up to date on all things recyclable by subscribing to our E-News Update. We also post on Twitter and Facebook so please look into our pages.
Thank you for this article! Sadly, Pennsylvania is so behind on the eco-friendly necessity and sometimes it doesn’t even come as an afterthought. We need to do better. We only have one planet and one life to live.