Thanksgiving Holiday Collection Schedule: Thursday November 26th, 2020
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, all Residential Penn Waste trash and recycling collections will be delayed one (1) day. Thursday customers will be collected on Friday. Friday customers will be collected on Saturday. All collections on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be collected on the regularly scheduled day.
Want to stay up to date on our recycling tips and collection updates? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Important Reminder – Dead animals / animal remains should NOT go in your recycling bin. We have seen an increase in animal carcasses coming through at our recycling plant including but not limited to: coyotes, foxes, deer, a goat head and bear paws. Aside from the fact these items are gross for our employees to come in contact with, these items result in down time for our plant and contaminate actual recyclable material. A recent incident involving skinned bear paws required us to shut down for a portion of our 1st Shift while the police investigated to ensure they were not human remains. Thankfully, they were not. We post often about what NOT to recycle because we continue to get the same crazy items coming through our facility. Please help us spread the word – NO DEAD ANIMALS.