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Collection Update – Good Friday

Friday, April 18th, 2014: All Penn Waste routes will be running on schedule on Good Friday.

To stay up to date, be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for tips on recycling and collection updates! We also send recycling tips and collection updates through email if you sign up for our E-News Update!

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5 comments on “Collection Update – Good Friday

  1. What is Camp Hill borough’s weekly collection day? Our property is located at 3471 Chestnut St., CH.

    • Your collection day is on Tuesday. If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a call at 717-767-4456. Thanks!
      Penn Waste

  2. I am trying to find your calendar for pick-up dates for yard waste recycling on your web page. Can you please inform me where to find it.

  3. I seem to be having trouble find the calendar for the dates for yard waste pickup. Will you please inform me where to find it within your website.

    • In order to determine your yard waste collection days, please go to our home page, place your mouse over “For Your Home”, and click on “Resources for Your Municipality.” Find your municipality in that list and click on that link. For municipalities that have yard waste collection, the dates will be listed on the page. There is also a calendar of any special collections that can be found toward the bottom of your municipalities page under “PDF Downloads.” We hope this helps!

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