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Penn Waste’s “Naughty List”

During this busy time of year, we’d like to remind all of our customers which items fall on Penn Waste’s “Naughty List” and should NOT be placed in your recycling bin.

Check out our most recent video below:

The following items are NOT accepted at our recycling facility:

  1. Plastic Packing Materials & Styrofoam – Plastic air pillows, bubble wrap, foam peanuts, and Styrofoam are not items that we accept at our recycle center. Either reuse them or place them in your trash.
  2. Plastic Bags – Plastic bags are not acceptable at our recycle center. These get wrapped around our equipment and someone must manually cut off each one. Do NOT place these in the recycle bin. You can either check with a local grocery store to see if they recycle plastic bags or we encourage you to just reuse them.
  3. Medical Waste – Medical waste should never be placed in the recycle bin. To see how to properly dispose of medical waste – check out the following blog post on this subject.
  4. Clothing – Clothing is not an item we accept at our recycle center. There are many local non-profits who accept used clothing and would appreciate your donations. We suggest checking with Lifepath Christian Ministries, the Salvation Army, your local Goodwill or Purple Heart to name a few.
  5. Christmas Lights – Christmas lights are not recyclable. They get wrapped around our equipment causing major issues for us. Please make sure you place them in your trash.

For a full list of what items are and are NOT recyclable, you can download a brochure here.

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