Holiday Cooking & Recycling – Plastics
PostedWe are all getting ready for the big day, Thanksgiving. Whether you are just now shopping or you are planning out what you want to buy in a week or two, be sure to think about what you are going to do with the packaging of those products. There are so many of these items that are actually recyclable, and we are going to help you distinguish which ones are recyclable and which ones are not. This week we are focusing on plastics used during your holiday cooking, so keep reading for more information!
You may not realize it, but plastic packaging is everywhere in your kitchen. When preparing for Thanksgiving this year, be sure to recycle any plastic products that we accept, making sure you are doing your part to create a green community! Here are some examples of acceptable plastic containers:
- Cooking Oil containers
- Spice Containers
- Sprinkle Containers
- Plastic Milk or Egg Nog Containers
- Plastic Butter or Margarine Tubs
- Water Bottles
- Juice Bottles
- Plastic Cleaning Supply Containers
All of these items, as long as they are emptied and cleaned out, may be placed in your recycle bin. Ranging from preparation to clean up, these items will probably be used on Thanksgiving Day. Why not make sure you are being eco-friendly by recycling as much as you can.
Want to stay up to date on all things recycling? Be sure to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook and sign up for our E-News Updates! Next week, we will be covering metal recycling and holiday cooking. Be sure to check out the post on our blog!